Vasectomy Postop Instructions
24 hours postoperatively: Do not drive a car or operate machinery for 24 hours after anesthesia. Do not consume alcohol, tranquilizers, or sleeping medication 24 hours after anesthesia or if taking prescription pain medicine.
Diet: Begin with clear liquids. Avoid heavy meals on the day of the procedure. You may resume your normal diet the day after the procedure. Be sure to drink plenty of water and avoid constipation.
Care after surgery: Put ice on the scrotum after surgery. Place ice every 20 minutes then take a 5 minute break. You may do this for up to 24 hours. Remove the gauze and scrotal support the day after the procedure. You do not need to cover the puncture site after this. You may place an over-the-counter gauze if there is drainage from the site. Keep the site clean and dry.
Washing: You may shower the day after the procedure. Do not submerge water until the puncture site has healed completely.
Clothes: A scrotal support will be placed at the time of surgery. Wear a scrotal support or fitted underwear (compression shorts, tighty whities) for 1-2 weeks after surgery. Snug support to the scrotum can decrease swelling and promotes healing.
Pain medicine: An injection of pain medication is given at the time of surgery. This lasts 4-6 hours. You will be given a prescription for pain medicine. In most cases, over-the-counter ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) and/or acetaminophen is sufficient to relieve discomfort 2-3 days after surgery.
Activity: You may resume normal, non-strenuous activity in 48 hours. Avoid strenuous activity for 1-2 weeks. This includes activities such as running, strenuous exercise, lifting weights, etc. Do not lift more than 20 pounds (9 kg) for 1-2 weeks.
2 weeks after surgery, most men may resume normal activity. This includes more strenuous activities such as going to the gym and running. Resume activity gradually. You are at the point where you cannot cause damage or harm after the procedure. If you overdo it, you may notice some swelling or discomfort. If so, back off for a few days then try again at a slower pace.
Symptoms: It is normal to have some moderate swelling then bruising of the skin that can last for 1-2 weeks.
At about 2 weeks you may notice a small nodule above and behind the testis on each side. This nodule can be about the size of a pea. This is normal. This spot is the body's reaction to surgery. It is called "sperm granuloma". Sometimes this nodular area can be present for 4-6 months. It will resolve eventually with time.
Semen Analysis

You will need to give a semen sample 3 months after surgery. You can buy a home semen analysis kit from our office. Or our office can give you an order for semen analysis to be done at a lab of your choice. The cost is about the same.
You must continue to use your regular method of birth control until you have had your semen analysis and have been told there is no sperm. You are not sterile until the semen analysis shows no sperm.
You do not routinely need an appointment after vasectomy. Please call for an appointment if fever, chills, excessive pain/bleeding/swelling, difficulty urinating or pain not controlled with medication or any other concerns.
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